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Signing the simulation lab purchase contract

  • category
    Activities & Events
  • Time
    Wednesday 12 Oct 2022
  • Location
    Alzaiem Alazhari university-Faculty of medicine

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

 Signing the simulation lab purchase contract
Praise be to God, today, Wednesday,

Signing the simulation lab contract with Leader Medical Company, represented by Mr. Hossam and Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdel Wahab, Vice Dean of the University, in the presence of the Legal Adviser of Al-Zaiem Al-Azhari University, professor Wisal Nabq, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Dr. Shani, the director of the lab, the supervisor, and the follower of this process since the beginning, more than a year ago.

In addition to the presence of the financial auditor and  Deputy for Administrative Affairs. Delivery and installation will take place in the coming days.

#Accreditation of the College of Medicine is everyone's responsibility
#Faculty of Medicine_Al-Zaeem_Al-Azhari_University

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